Courses Required

Applicants must complete a series of undergraduate prerequisite courses. They include courses in Science, Math, General Education (English, Humanities and Social Sciences) and Advanced Electives. We strongly recommend having no more than three Science or Math prerequisite courses missing prior to the VMCAS application deadline in September.

Introductory pre-professional courses may be taken at any regionally accredited two-year or four-year college or university. All upper-division prerequisite courses: Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology with lab must be completed at a four-year institution offering a Biology degree. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or above by the end of the spring semester prior to the start of veterinary school in August. If a “C-” grade or below is earned, the course must be retaken.

For those students attending a quarter unit institution, use the following formula to determine prerequisite course equivalency. Quarter Units divided by 1.5 equals the number of semester hours. For example, 5 quarter units of Genetics equals 3.3 semester hours.

You may compare your institution’s course descriptions by using our self-audit Undergraduate Course Requirements handout and visiting the UF Undergraduate Catalog for verification.

Undergraduate students should periodically consult with their academic or pre-health advisors for any questions related to undergraduate courses offered at their institution.