Novel Unit- War of the Worlds Teacher Guide Grades 9-12

Novel Unit- War of the Worlds Teacher Guide Grades 9-12

Teacher guides provide the framework for the novel, including any background information necessary to prepare students for the text. Discussion questions help you delve into the novel's plot, conflict, theme, and character motivations/interactions. Plus, they're designed to elicit student thought, discussion, and participation!

Time-saving, inspiring lesson plans provide a comprehensive novel unit—created by teachers for teachers. The legwork is done for you. The chapter-by-chapter guides incorporate research-based, higher-order reading, writing, and thinking activities.

See also Student Packet # 10061

War of the Worlds #1496 A"meteor" is seen landing on Horsell Common, near London. The narrator discovers that the object is a space-going artificial cylinder launched from Mars. The cylinder opens, disgorging the Martians: bulky, tentacled creatures that begin setting up strange machinery in the cylinder's impact crater. A human moves towards the crater, waving a white flag of truce and is incinerated by a laser-like Heat-Ray. Several cylinders land issuing more attacks in various areas of England. The narrator witnesses the Martians use humans as a food supply through the direct transfusion of their blood. The Martians are finally defeated by a bacteria their bodies are unable to fight.